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Some food for thought we noted while listening to podcasts on our beach walks

Some food for thought we noted while listening to podcasts on our beach walks

Tune in while washing dishes, walking the dog or dive in while commuting to work.
Here are some podcasts, blogs, and magazines we recommend for some food for thought.


Brené Brown’s Unlocking Us. We especially loved the two episodes below.


01. Episode on February 3rd 2021“What Make Love last”
with Drs. John and Julie Gottman.

We particularly loved the step-by-step guide on how to express an emotion and a need we have a hard time sharing, without blaming the other one. 

  1. “I feel [emotion]”

  2. “About [problem, situation]”

  3. “And I need [say a positive need. How can your partner / friend / colleague shine for you?]


02. Episodes on May 5th 20210 (two-part episode) “I’m sorry: How to Apologize & Why It Matters”
with Harriet Lerner. 

We particularly loved how in-depth it explained what apologizing meant and how it should be done. Our three key sentences from the podcast:

  1. “What can change everything in a hard conversation is curiosity, vulnerability, and openness.”

  2. “Apologizing is about integrity and self-respect. Not about what you get back. It’s about doing the right thing.”

  3. “When we apologize, we admit were not perfect. We feel we’re losing something / it affects the ego [...] It’s okay to say it’s difficult to hear. Ask for examples so you can understand better.”


KINFOLK is a great magazine and they ALWAYS have interesting articles.

The Entrepreneur issue V.15
Some insights we loved 

“To-do lists work best when quality over quantity. Better to feel accomplished than distracted from goals. Checking boxes is addictive but distracting.”


“ Sunday night blues are real. Sunday night is the unhappiest time of the week. Uplift it by being a toiler (jump-start the upcoming schedule of the week) or idler (recharge the spirit!!). Prep your meals or meet up with friends for dinner. Make it a conscious Sunday night with no agenda. It should be guilt-free.


“ If you don’t have the time to be slow, then you aren’t living properly. You’re racing through life instead of living it. Do less. Buy less. Consume less. Drive less. Unplug more. Walk more. Sleep more. Stop multitasking. Embed slow moments and rituals into your schedule.”


“ When we’re standing at the fork of the road, what’s important to grasp is that the road doesn’t matter. Whether the one less traveled or the one well-trodden, there’s no way to really know what kind of journey we’re choosing. Since we’ll never be able to walk that second road and know where it led, we may as well enjoy the one we’re on.” 
This one inspired our collection Of All We Have Met.



Ester Perel is a psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling author, recognized as one of today’s most insightful and original voices on modern relationships.
Her articles are always an easy read and offer good insights, weither for you or for a friend. Plus, the illustrations are always fun.

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